SEO Services

Expert Lake Norman area SEO services for your website.

Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes optimizing your website's content experience. We provide organic SEO services using the latest techniques in the industry.

We use proven SEO techniques to help you rank higher by creating helpful, reliable, people-first content.

Maiden Web Design concentrates on creating websites focused on helpful content and local search ranking.

Ever wonder why a website gets displayed high in a search? The key is to create compelling content and help users answer questions or solve problems. The more your website demonstrates expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T), the higher it should rank.

The bottom line is that users need to find relevant information on your website related to their search question. Google refers to this as "topicality: how well the search results match the topic of the user's query." Doing this usually helps your website perform better in search!

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps optimize your website's content and rank within search engines, resulting in an increase in traffic from users. SEO services are a key element to effective internet marketing.

We practice 100% white hat methods and follow all of Google's Quality Guidelines.

Our approach to helping people find your website

We focus on people-first content. People-first content is created primarily for people and NOT to manipulate search engine rankings.

Our search marketing plan consists of proven techniques, solid reporting capabilities, and expert implementation of on-page SEO optimization.

Market analysis

On-page SEO

Off-page SEO

Reporting and measurement

Local SEO for local map listings

Choosing the proper categories and wording on your local business listing will maximize visibility to nearby customers. Our local search tune-up includes the following:

Important Note: No SEO company can "guarantee" that a search engine will rank a website on the first page of search results. Period.

Why SEO works

Search engines constantly scan the internet for websites and web pages.  Content is indexed and rated in relation to sets of relevant keyword queries.  When a user performs an online query, the search engine returns a list of results.  These results pages are sorted according to relevance, content quality, page speed, author authority and many other factors.

Not surprisingly, the higher up on the search engine results page (SERP) a website appears, the more likely a user will click on the link.  Optimizing content for search helps the indexing process by improving the organization of information - i.e., tagging, ordering, classifying, linking, etc.

Boost your website's ranking

We strive to maximize organic traffic growth on your website using SEO methods, ensuring that SEO techniques and strategies are well implemented and consistent.

The process of improving your search engine rankings typically takes 4-6 months of SEO work.